Swift Protocols


  • It’s a good idea for all your custom model types to conform.
  • With Equatable conformance, you can use the equal-to operator (==) or the not-equal-to operator (!=) with any two instances
  • To make a class conform to the Equatable protocol, declare conformance in an extension and implement the static == operator method. Compare each significant property for equality in your == method’s implementation:
extension Player: Equatable {
 static func ==(lhs: Player, rhs: Player) -> Bool {
  return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.position == rhs.position } }


  • It’s a good idea for all your custom model types to conform.
  • To conform to the Hashable protocol, declare conformance in another extension and implement the hash(into:) method. In the hash(into:) method, call the combine(_:) method on the provided hasher with each significant property:
extension Player: Hashable {
 func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

*A type is eligible for automatic conformance to Equatable and Hashable when it’s a structure or an enumeration that meets these criteria:

  • For a structure, all its stored properties must conform to Equatable and Hashable.
  • For an enumeration, all its associated values must conform to Equatable and Hashable. (Enumerations without associated values have Equatable and Hashable conformance even without declaring adoption.)*
  • Always use the same properties in both your == and hash(into:) methods. Using different groups of properties in the two methods can lead to unexpected behavior or performance when using your custom type in sets and dictionaries.*

